If you’d like to memorize times faster , this tips will show easily you can improve. 1.Try to understand what you learn. Things that you understand are memorized 9 times faster. 2.Learn the most necessary information. You need to set your priorities correctly. 3.Take this into consideration: things that are at the beginning and at the end are memorized the best . 4.Switch your attention from one topic to another. Remember that similar memories get mixed and become a “mess.“ 5.Learn opposite things. For example, if you are learning a foreign language, memorize day and night. Opposites are easier to memorize. 6.Build your own ”mind palace.“ The idea is to associate certain things with a certain place. For example, if you are in your room, try to connect a thing you are learning to something in your room. 7.Repeat it a few times. After that, try to recall what the room looks like in your memory, and repeat the things you learned this way. 8.Use “nail words.” The point of the t...